Saturday, January 7, 2012

Possible Opinion Editorial Topic Issue

To be honest, I would like to see the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) dissolved, or at least their influence annulled in courts unless there is representation of an opposite and equal non-profit organization. However, to pick a single and specific current issue in our nation, I propose that affirmative action be terminated. Originally affirmative action was set in place to dispel racial inequality in the workplace and hiring, unfortunately it has evolved into another form of discrimination.


  1. Good topic. I feel that this is very important and society needs to realize that people should be judged based off of works and not physical features. I'm excited to see how this one turns out. I feel that initially, affirmative action had an important purpose and now it is out of control.

    Of course, the one that no one talks about is the unwritten affirmative action going on in colleges, businesses, tv programs etc. to improve public opinion, but that can only be changed through the education of society.

  2. I really like your topic, and completely agree that Affirmative Action should be done away with! Also, I love the picture! It sums up Affirmative Action perfectly!

  3. I understand the idea behind affirmative action and that they want to increase numbers of ethnicities within colleges, but I disagree with the actual means. When a student with a higher GPA is rejected in place of one with a lower GPA it's just wrong.

    Maybe early programs to help those who would later be benefactors of affirmative action is a better idea.

  4. Thank you all for your thoughts, especially for adding your personal beliefs and understanding about this issue. Sadly, many of our peers cannot tell you what affirmative action is. Exactly as you three mentioned, during the civil rights movement Martin Luther King Jr. stated in his famous I Have a Dream speech that people should not be judged by the color of their skin, but on the content of their character. Now, I cannot deny that women, other races/ ethnic backgrounds, or minorities have been treated unfairly in the past. However, that does not justify the discrimination of others now, mainly white American Christian men and women who are attacked by affirmative action. Although it may have been necessary to initiate the elimination of some misconceptions and racism, it has now led to placing quotas above hard work, integrity, and content of one’s character.
