Friday, January 20, 2012

Reader's Rights

Popular voting would be better than using the Electoral College for selecting the President of the United States.
* Re-engage Citizens- Increase voter interest
* Pure Democracy- Sovereignty of each individual
* Equality- Each voter is viewed with intellectual competence
* Electoral College Distortion- Current Distribution is not equivalent to the people’s interest
Direct voting would increase the amount of: voters and their awareness, power to the people, impartial judgment, and transparency of American citizen views. 


  1. This is a good topic especially since sometimes the electoral vote does not represent the popular vote. How can that be a government of the people if the popular vote does not have the final say?

  2. I love this topic! I can't wait to hear what you have to say about it in your paper, I think it will be really interesting!

  3. I understand your opinions and frustration, we have to remember that we do have a Democratic-Republic; however, our representatives have the responsibility as you said, to reflect and magnify the desires of the people. Also, I am very glad that you are interested in this topic; it should be ready sometime this Monday.
